Monday, 16 November 2009

My first post

So just wanted to say welcome to the blog from myself.

If anyone is reading this and is interested in getting into the whole trading thing especially the horses then if I have one word of advice, get some professional training first!! It really is an eye opener. Before going on the the 3 day training with Jack Birkhead in Madrid I really was entering the markets exactly where other people wanted me to enter so they could swipe my money!

Before going on the training I was reading a few other blogs and saw peoples profit and loss screen shots with them only making a few quid. I thought to myself what is the point of that! I really only want to see them making money. Only after trying it my self I now know how difficult it is at first and the name of the game is really just not to lose money when starting out.

At the moment Danny and myself are using just 5 Euro stakes. As long as we have a green month then we will up the stakes.

As Danny mention before the first couple of days we were all over the shop but then started to settle down.

Here are a couple of my screen shots so far.




Mets said...


Just wanted to wish you well with your endeavours!

Jack's course sounds really good and I was thinking about signing up before I lost my job!

Can I ask - do you think that sitting with Jack has given you a 'leg up' the learning curve and if so, how many weeks or months of trial-and-error has it saved you both?

Best regards,


Danny Ibz said...

Hello Mets

Yes it has definitely helped us out a great deal. Before we were just doing everything back to front. On the first day of the course we just could not get our heads round it but by the third it was all coming together.

Jack is a cool guy and very helpful. He trades with his mate Sam using Skype and they talk through all the trades. Sometimes he was moving his mouse so fast we could not keep up!!

Afterwards we watched through all the videos to see how he got in and out the markets.

I would defiantly recommend that if you want to do it full time then I would get some expert help.

Can I ask where you got the little profit and loss graphs from for you blog?

Keep up the good work.



Mets said...

Sounds great! Just have to talk the missus into letting me nip across to Madrid! :D

The graph comes from a Google spreadsheet. You can create a graph from the data you put in (like Excel) and publish the graph - it gives you some html to paste into your page. Blogger has an html widget so just stick it in that and the graph appears. Drop me a note if you get stuck and I'll create a copy and share it with you, so you can see how it works.

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